Travel planner for those who value time and quality

Spend time on more important things in your life.
Let us take care of your journey.


Passion for exploration and adventurous spirit are at the core of our philosophy. We offer multiple formats of tour activities and develop trips to new directions previously unseen by tourists. Fill in the form and we will plan your personal trip for free. We are working on an app that will be available soon for download.
It is not just a list of places, it is a tailor made travel plan
DVITI will select places and find an optimal route based on your preferences and budget constraints
Suggestions of sights based on your preferences


Optimization of a route that will allow you to visit more places

Travel budget estimates in order to prepare the required amount in advance
Why choose us
Everyday we work hard to make life and trips of our clients better and happier
High quality
We are the young firm and reputation for us is more than just a word. Our goal is to deliver quality and value to our clients.
Our team is always ready to answer your questions. You can text us at the weekends and at night.
We have interviewed hundreds of people who travel worldwide. And we use their feedback to make our clients life better.
Individual Approach
Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. Our tailor-made approach policy leads to success in every trip.
How it works
Feel in the Form
Press the button "Get your plan for free". Link will forward you to the page, where you have to answer questions regarding your trip preferences and submit the form.
Preparing Personal Plan
After you submit the form, our team will start working on your tailor-made trip. Individual approach is our main concern.
Get Your Travel Plan
As soon as your travel plan is ready (within 24 hours) we will send it to you via e-mail. We value your time and are working on app that will automotize all processes.
What our customers say
DVITI cares about customers and works on a daily basis to make each trip memorable
DVITI is a great solution for my short trips. I just choose the city where I want to go on the weekend, the rest is already done for me!
Anastasia Panchenko
Perssonal asistent in Sokolov jewelry Schweiz ag
I like DVITI for it's detailed and perfectly organized trips. I don't have to spend a bunch of time on my research and still not be sure about the quality of my trip.
Fedor Ivanushkin
Senior business analyst in Kearny

Get your perfect travel plan for free!
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A balancing rock, also called balanced rock or precarious boulder, is a naturally occurring geological formation featuring a large rock or boulder, sometimes of substantial size, resting on other rocks, bedrock, or on glacial till. Some formations known by this name only appear to be balancing, but are in fact firmly connected to a base rock by a pedestal or stem.

No single scientific definition of the term exists, and it has been applied to a variety of rock features that fall into one of four general categories: - A glacial erratic is a boulder that was transported and deposited by glaciers or ice rafts to a resting place on soil, on bedrock, or on other boulders. It usually has a different lithology from the other rocks around it. Not all glacial erractics are balancing rocks; some are firmly seated on the ground. Some balancing erractics have come to be known as rocking stones, also known as logan rocks, logan stones, or logans, because they are so finely balanced that the application of just a small force may cause them to rock or sway. A good example of a rocking stone is the Logan Rock in Cornwall, England, United Kingdom; another is the Trembling Rock in Brittany, France. - A perched block, also known as a perched boulder or perched rock, is a large, detached rock fragment that most commonly was transported and deposited by a glacier to a resting place on glacial till, often on the side of a hill or slope. Some perched blocks were not produced by glacial action, but were the aftermath of a rock fall, landslide, or avalanche.

An erosional remnant is a persisting rock formation that remains after extensive wind, water, and/or chemical erosion. To the untrained eye, it may appear to be visually like a glacial erratic, but instead of being transported and deposited, it was carved from the local bedrock. Many good examples of erosional remnants are seen in Karlu Karlu/Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve in the Northern Territory of Australia. - A pedestal rock, also known as a rock pedestal or mushroom rock, is not a true balancing rock, but is a single continuous rock form with a very small base leading up to a much larger crown. Some of these formations are called balancing rocks because of their appearance. The undercut base was attributed for many years to simple wind abrasion, but is now believed to result from a combination of wind and enhanced chemical weathering at the base where moisture would be retained longest. Some pedestal rocks sitting on taller spire formations are known as hoodoos.
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